North River Ranch • Floorplans and Lot Map Released in Crescent Creek • View Floorplans

You have home-buying questions? We have answers.
Building a home is exciting, but it can feel a little overwhelming. We’ve built thousands of homes and would love to share what we’ve learned. Here are some answers to the questions we often hear about what happens before and after you buy your Cardel home.

Before you buy a Cardel home.

Appointments can be booked online by clicking this link or by calling the sales center.

All Cardel floorplan pricing is available online on the floorplans page. Pricing on this page is base pricing only. Homesite and design options are additional, and pricing will be available during the home construction phase.

You do not need a real estate agent to buy a new home from Cardel. If you are working with a real estate agent, you are welcome to consult with them and invite them to appointments. Real estate agents may inquire with the onsite new home consultant regarding commission.

couple on computer with dog

Many of our floorplans include options that are popular with new home buyers, including adding bedrooms, additional windows and more. We do not typically offer options beyond those identified on individual floorplans.

Interested homebuyers who have registered online are always the first to know via email about our releases. All lots are first come, first served.

To reserve a homesite with Cardel Homes, you will need:

  • $5000 lot deposit
  • Mortgage pre-approval
  • Driver’s licence(s)
home floorplan

A quick move-in home is a home with a predetermined homesite, floorplan and design options. Choosing to buy a home with pre-selected options means that your home will have a quicker timeline than a to-be-built home, as it has already gone through a lot of the initial steps of building a home.

With the exception of the small deposit that purchasers pay, Cardel is assuming all risks and financing all the costs of building a new home, including development fees, permits, inspections, labor, insurance and materials. Asking for proof of pre-approval is simply our method of ensuring that purchasers are in a financial situation to support and complete their new home purchase.

Yes, construction loans through Hancock Whitney (a preferred lender of Cardel Homes Florida) are accepted.

signing documents

Yes, you can pay cash, and a cash draw schedule can be provided.

Depending on the community and other variables, it can take between 9-14 months to build a new home from the time a sales agreement has been signed by all parties.

After You Buy a Cardel Home

Your visit to the Cardel design center to meet with a designer and make your selections generally happens within approximately three weeks of purchasing your new home.

Homeowners typically spend 10-20% of the base price of the home in the design center. The amount varies based on the community and floorplan chosen.

cardel homes design centre

For reasons of safety and liability and in order to qualify for a new home warranty, all flooring, countertops, cabinets, etc., must be purchased and installed by Cardel. Homebuyers are provided with options for many of these materials.

Because materials have to be ordered weeks in advance and construction contractors have to be scheduled ahead of time, it is not possible to make any structural changes after the contract has been executed by both parties.

home building frame

Some communities allow pools to be built during the construction of the home. Pool prices vary depending on the size and features chosen.

Our team will continue to keep you regularly informed of your home’s progress. If a delay is necessary, you will be notified in ample time to make any necessary arrangements.

house key

Our sales team and community project managers will be your primary points of contact throughout the construction of your new home, keeping you informed of the progress. While selecting your home finishes, you will be in contact with one of Cardel’s designers.

Cardel Homes is a family-owned company founded by Del and Caryl Ockey in Calgary in 1973. Cardel built its first home in Ottawa in 1996 and today builds homes in Alberta, Ontario, Colorado, and Florida.

Find your ideal location.

We offer a full range of single-family homes designed for today’s families in top communities across the Florida region.

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